
Try making Banana and Peanut Butter smoothie; recipe inside

Try out making this banana and peanut butter smoothie recipe curated by Mr Sharad Jain, the co-founder of Nutrabay.

Pic courtesy: Freepik

New Delhi: “Smoothies are a superb on-the-go snack. Any time’s the right time for this delicious smoothie. This thick, creamy, naturally-sweetened smoothie is guaranteed to brighten your guest's mood this Diwali. All you need to do is toss the ingredients into a blender and give them a whirl” says Sharad Jain, Co-founder of Nutrabay.

Banana and Peanut Butter Smoothie recipe curated by Mr Sharad Jain, the co-founder of Nutrabay.

  • Bananas
  • Peanut Butter
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Honey (optional)
  • Ice cubes


  • All you have to do is toss all the ingredients into a mixer and blend it well until the required consistency is achieved.
  • Once you achieve the required consistency, pour it into a glass and garnish it with honey for sweetness and peanuts from the top for decoration.