Books That Promote Critical Thinking

Calling Bullshit

It exposes the art of discerning truth from deception in today's information age.

The Art of Thinking

It lets you embark on a journey to master the nuances of cognitive processes and decision-making.

Critical Thinking

This book equips readers with the essential skills to analyze, evaluate, and reason effectively.

The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking

This book unveils the foundational elements necessary for fostering a powerful and productive thought process.

Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking

It offers a roadmap for navigating the intricacies of logical reasoning and deduction.

Asking the right question

This book encourages the cultivation of insightful inquiries to uncover deeper truths and insights.

A Rulebook for Arguments

This book provides a comprehensive guidebook for constructing compelling and persuasive arguments.


This book challenges common misconceptions by presenting a data-driven narrative that illuminates the true state of the world.


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