10 Health Risks Of Eating Momos

Here are 10 Reasons why Momos are not good for health

High Sodium Content

Momos often contain excessive salt, contributing to hypertension and water retention

Lack of Nutritional Value

They typically lack essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fibre.

Unbalanced Macronutrients

Momos are usually high in refined carbs and low in protein, leading to unstable blood sugar levels.

Unbalanced Macronutrients

Momos are usually high in refined carbs and low in protein, leading to unstable blood sugar levels.

Processed Ingredients

Many momos use processed meats with additives and preservatives that can be harmful over time.

Hidden Fats

Frying or using fatty fillings can result in high levels of unhealthy saturated and trans fats.

Digestive Issues

Wheat flour wrappers can be hard to digest, causing discomfort in sensitive individuals.

Risk of Contamination

Improper handling and preparation may lead to foodborne illnesses. Using aluminium cookware, including steamers, may lead to the transfer of small amounts of aluminium into the food

Caloric Density

Fried or large momos can pack a high number of calories, contributing to weight gain.

Low Fibre

Lack of fibre can lead to digestive problems and hinder bowel regularity

Potential Allergens

Ingredients like gluten and soy in momos can trigger allergies or sensitivities in some individuals.


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