
Online Dating: How Dating Apps Ensure Safety And Empowering Women

With a swipe and a touch, dating apps empower women to take control of their dating life, but finding real love and a safe experience is not that simple. Here's how new features are changing the dating dynamics.


Online Dating: How Dating Apps Ensure Safety And Empowering Women Online Dating: How Dating Apps Ensure Safety And Empowering Women

In recent years, the world of online dating has undergone a significant transformation with the emergence of women-safe dating apps. These innovative platforms have recognized the unique safety concerns faced by women and have taken bold steps to address them. 

In conversation with Saurabh Awasthi, Co-founder of online dating app- Meet7 shares how Safety on dating apps can empower women.

By implementing exclusive features and fostering a secure environment, these apps empower women and enable them to navigate the world of dating with confidence.

All online dating apps offer a certain level of physical safety for women by eliminating the need to physically go out and find dates. However, the prevalence of mental harassment and fatigue due to the mechanics of most online dating apps has become a significant concern. 

The endless swiping through numerous profiles, the pressure to initiate multiple conversations, and the experience of ghosting and cyber harassment have overshadowed the real objective of dating.

It's important to recognize that dating in the virtual world doesn't necessarily mirror real-life dating, where multiple dates with multiple people simultaneously are not the norm. The true essence of dating apps is being obscured by the desire to constantly view more and more profiles, turning it into a mere pastime for many individuals.

By implementing features like 'Invite Only', can help aim is to bring the focus back to what truly matters. This feature creates a smaller, refined, and vetted community of individuals, resulting in several advantages:

1) More quality profiles
2) Reduced chances of cyber harassment:
3) Enhanced focus on meaningful conversations
4) Mitigated ghosting

Combined with rigorous verification processes, apps are committed to facilitating real dates rather than wasting time, energy, and mental space on random profiles. 

The goal is to bring back the true purpose of dating apps and create an environment where individuals can make meaningful connections based on genuine compatibility.

Furthermore, women-safe dating apps actively work to cultivate a culture of respect and consent. By putting women in charge of the invitation process, these platforms promote the idea that dating should be a mutual and consensual experience. 

The act of extending an invitation implies a level of trust between users, which sets the tone for respectful interactions and genuine intentions.

"We are dedicated to empowering women in the realm of online dating, ensuring their safety is never compromised. Through our 'Invite Only' feature, we guarantee that every male user is referred by a woman, fostering a community of trusted individuals. Our unwavering commitment is to provide a space that is not only respectful but also secure, enabling women to forge meaningful connections and embrace a dating experience that is both positive and truly empowering," says Saurabh Awasthi.