
Chandrayaan-3 Rover Encounters Huge Crater During Moon Walk; ISRO Sends It On New Path

India made history by becoming the first nation to land the spactcraft on the Moon’s south pole. Chandrayaan-3 lander ‘Vikram’ successfully touched down on August 23, 2023.

Chandrayaan-3 Rover Encounters Huge Crater During Moon Walk; ISRO Sends It On New Path ISRO

New Delhi: Indian space research organisation (ISRO) has released new images of Chandrayaan-3 rover ‘Pragyaan’, roaming the lunar surface since August 23. Indian space agency informed that the rover came across a 4-meter diameter crater located 3 meter ahead of its previous location.

ISRO successfully halted the clash by commanding the Rover to retrace the path. It’s now, ISRO said, safely heading on a new path.

ISRO shared the two images where the large crater could be spotted ahead of the rover, as seen by the Navigation Camera. The first image showed the crater that the Chandrayaan-3 Rover encountered on August 27, 2023, whereas the second image showcased the path retracted by the Chandrayaan-3 Rover on August 27, 2023.

India made history by becoming the first nation to land the spactcraft on the Moon’s south pole. Chandrayaan-3 lander ‘Vikram’ successfully touched down on August 23, 2023.

ISRO then rolled out the Rover ‘Pragyaan’ from the lander via the split ramp.

Meanwhile, ISRO is gearing up to launch its first Sun exploration mission ‘Aditya L1’ on September 2 at 11:50 AM IST from Sriharikota at Andhra Pradesh.  The mission aims to study coronal heating and solar wind acceleration, coupling and dynamics of the solar atmosphere, solar wind distribution and temperature anisotropy, and initiation of coronal mass ejection (CME), flares, and near-earth space weather.